NORTH ANDOVER, MA – American Red Bull Air Race pilot Michael Goulian will be among the astronaut’s family and friends watching the launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour, as it lifts off on a mission to the International Space Station (ISS) on February 7th. Michael is attending the launch as a guest of Mission Specialist Nick Patrick who is making his 2nd trip to space aboard Endeavor. Nick was a pilot at Michael’s flying school Executive Flyers Aviation, in the 1990’s.  Joining Michael at the launch will be British Red Bull Air Race pilot, Nigel Lamb.  While Mike and Nigel are among the few who defy gravity on a daily basis, both race pilots would jump at the chance to experience the feeling of a completely gravity free environment. Although he has attended two previous space shuttle launches, Michael says he is “fortunate to be invited to attend this launch as there are so few left.” This launch will not only mark the 130th space shuttle flight, but it is also the 32nd of 36 missions to the ISS. The STS-130 crew will be delivering a third module known as the “Tranquility Node” that will connect to the space station. It will also be carrying a cupola to be used as a control room for robotics, and will display seven windows. Goulian said, “Other than the birth of my daughter, a shuttle launch is the most awe inspiring and spiritually uplifting event I have ever witnessed. I have always been in awe of our space program and the astronauts who capture our imagination.” Nigel agreed with this sentiment in saying that “In the early days of the program, I watched a launch from the public viewing area about 5 miles away. Even at that distance, I was blown away by the phenomenal power of the Shuttle and man’s ability to create such a machine. Having the opportunity to watch from Banana Creek and to meet some of the people involved will be an incredible experience.” The Endeavour is targeted to launch at 4:39am EST and will spend thirteen days in space.

For more information on NASA and the STS-130 Endeavour shuttle launch please visit

For further information on Nigel Lamb visit or contact Becci Allen at +441844 351585 or [email protected]