Last weekend, the MGAS Team descended on Houston, TX for the annual Wings Over Houston (WOH) Airshow. After heavy rain on Thursday and Friday, the weekend broke with spectacular clear blue skies. With the great weather, the fans came out in record fashion to see the spectacular warbird extravaganza featuring Tora, Tora, Tora, The Horsemen, and a host of other beautiful vintage aircraft.

Adding to the awesome warbird line up was Gene Soucy and Theresa Stokes, F-15 Demo with “Ritz” at the controls, Harrier, Hornet, and of course, MG and the Castrol EXTRA. The Blues finished the show both days and they are clearly in late season form!!!

The best part about WOH is the HUGE amount of pyro they use. It seemed like the Tora Bomb squad was blowing up the airport continuously from morning until afternoon. On Sunday, they were using so much TNT that the buildings were shaking. It was AWESOME!!

We can’t wait to go back to WOH again because it’s a special event run by a bunch of special people. Put it on your “MUST GO” list for 2010.

We’re on our way to Jacksonville for our last show of the season this weekend. We are looking forward to the show but also to going home to be with our families again. It’s been a great season, but it’s been long.

Check out the photos!

Mikey G