As the Red Bull Air Race series inches closer to its conclusion, USA’s Michael Goulian prepares for the penultimate race, held 13-14 July in Hungary, with a humble confidence. Currently in 6th place overall, the American pilot has his eye on the prize.
“Despite this being the next to last race, we are approaching it no differently than the others. My goal this week is just to fly with confidence the whole time. It’s still anybody’s race.”
This weekend marks the 13th Hungarian race, but in a fresh setting for 2019. Lake Balaton, Hungary will host 14 of the planet’s best Air Racing pilots as they dazzle spectators in the resort town of Zamárdi, situated on the south side of the lake. As a new location and track design, it is expected to be one of the most exciting races in the new-era of racetrack designs, as it will allow the teams more freedom to choose what they believe to be the best raceline.
Team 99’s entire crew will be on-hand for the lakeside event, with Pablo Branco, Warren Cilliers, Steve Hall, and Emily Mankins hard at work with aircraft assembly and maintenance, media and sponsor communications, track analysis, and coaching.
The US pilot reflects on his unique experience flying through Hungarian skies during his years as a Red Bull Air Race pilot:
“For me, flying in Hungary has always been extraordinary. Flying under the Chain Bridge will always be one of the dearest memories in my career, and also to be flying with Peter Besenyei in his home country has been so memorable. Lastly, I have wins in what I consider the two most iconic locations for RBAR. Taking the top position in Budapest and Indianapolis are two things I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.”
In addition to preparing for the third stop of the series, Goulian performed in two air shows in Quebec and Kansas City since returning home from Kazan. Spectacle Aérien International de Bagotville was held just outside the capital city of Canada and hosted over 140k spectators and aviation fans. The Kansas City Air Show in Kansas City, Missouri was another one for the books, with Goulian pulling his weight among a superstar lineup including the US Navy Blue Angels.
Team Goulian’s schedule doesn’t slow down from here: next up is the Duluth Air Show, held at the team’s race and air show sponsor, Cirrus Aircraft’s global headquarters on July 20-21. The very next day, the crew rolls a few hundred miles southeast for the distinct honor of performing at EAA’s AirVenture, The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. You can catch Goulian in the Wisconsin skies on both Wednesday and Saturday, among many other aviation legends from around the world.

Watch the Red Bull Air Race LIVE at Lake Balaton, Hungary for Qualifying (July 13th, 10am EDT) and Race Day ( July 14th, 7am EDT). Follow along here:
Content provided of Goulian Aerosports. Images courtesy of Red Bull Air Race Content Pool.
Red Bull Air Race 2019 Calendar
8-9 February: Abu Dhabi, UAE
15-16 June: Kazan, Russia
13-14 July: Lake Balaton, Hungary
7-8 September: Chiba, Japan