Tune into SPEED channel to watch me on “INTERSECTIONS”, a 30-minute series comparing my Team 99 EDGE 540 race aircraft to David Brabham’s Patron Highcroft race car (Red Bull Air Race World Championship meets American Le Mans Series). INTERSECTIONS takes two seemingly different speed machines, compares their similarities and takes an inside look at the individuals, like myself, who drive or fly them.
Schedule for SPEED (Channel 250) in the Boston area:
September 6 – 8:00pm EST
September 6 – 11:00pm EST
September 7 – 8:00am EST
September 8 – 10:30pm EST
September 9 – 1:30am EST
September 9 – 10:30am EST
September 10 – 9:00pm EST
More episodes on the 13th and 14th.
Check local listings for additional show dates and times.
Checkout this 4-minute preview of my episode:
You will be able to watch the full episode on-line in a few days at this link:
Recent comments
Philip Wallace 15 years ago
Being a pilot myself, I have always been impressed with the skills necessary for flying in the Red Bull air race format. Living in the Boston area all my life, I have known of Mike Goulian since before the Red Bull air race series began. I remember seeing Mike in a newscast one night, in which he was being interviewed by the news team of, Natalie Jacobson and Chet Curtis. Natalie and Chet were a very popular husband and wife news team back then, and husband Chet was also a pilot, so the interview was done with all the right questions. The segment took place about 20 years ago and lasted about 10 minutes and showcased Mike throughout his career up to that point. Back then Mike had just begun performing in front of the public, and was transitioning from a corporate pilot jockey, to the exciting world of showmanship aerobatics. As you can see, Mike has done well, and will continue doing well,(God willing) as long as his health or family allows. Keep up the good work Mike, and best of luck in this years Red Bull Air Races.