So far, the 2011 season has been great for the MGAS Team. We spent a lot of the winter escaping the snow in Boston while we practiced at our winter base in St. Augustine, FL. We added some cool new maneuvers, changed our music and narration, but most importantly, welcomed Whelen Engineering as our title partner.

Sun n’ Fun was our first event which had terrible tornadoes during the beginning of the week but the Sun n’ Fun crew worked to make an amazing event happen over the weekend. I am sure that with the Blue Angels in town, they broke all single day attendance records. For our first show of the year, everything went off surprisingly smooth. That NEVER happens so we can either chalk it up to good preparation or luck. Maybe a little bit of both:-)

We just finished at MCAS Beaufort, SC which had spectacular crowds and even better flying. We had never performed at Beaufort before so we really enjoyed making new friends there and we can’t wait to go back again.

Right now, we’re in beautiful Nashville, TN. Again, this is a new show for our team and so far, this place looks like it will be amazing. The runways and ramps are huge so we will be able to fly in front of a large audience. The weather looks to be great and the team running the show are all a bunch of “old pros”.

On our way to Nashville, we stopped and spent a couple of days with our very good friends and long time sponsor Champion Aerospace. Champion provides our team with all of our oil filters, spark plugs, and magnetos for our engines. They are simply “the best” in our industry and we are truly honored to carry the Champion banner with us.

We have put together a quick little video from our training season that I think you will like. Take a look . Also, Dave Kicklighter, who spends much of his time ferrying our Whelen EXTRA 330 around the country can take some mean photos. So don’t miss our photo page.

If you can’t see this video here, please view the video in your browser.