With the exception of a day or two about three weeks ago, I have been on the road continuously since May 1st when I departed for the trip down to Rio. Since that day, life has been a blur of hotel rooms, pilot briefings, speed charts, loops & rolls, melted engines, and a LOT of airline travel.

At the moment, I am sitting in my “hangar” at the RBAR in NYC writing this blog smack in the middle of the “calm before the storm” in what will surely be a crazy week of media interviews, flying, and hosting friends. My next “day off” will be June 28th. After eight straight weeks of working, it will be a VERY nice mid-season respite.

One of my friends mentioned the other day that Karin and I have a “terrible lifestyle”. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I had to agree. However, at the moment, I would not change it for the world.

The reason I am so at home living the fast paced life is that I am doing something that I never dreamed I would be doing for a living. And, I am loving the opportunity to travel the USA and the globe flying the most incredible general aviation planes ever created. I am a very lucky man.

The other thing that makes it so tolerable is that I am part of a big extended family. While away from home, the RBAR crew have become my international family and my air show family has been, and will always be, my North American family. And I will never take for granted the fact that Karin and Emily are such a big part of what I do. Karin is the backbone of our team and Emily keeps us grounded and laughing constantly.

So, even though I am a little tired and dreaming of a week on the couch with a TV “clicker” in hand, I am in love with this “terrible lifestyle” and hope it continues for the foreseeable future.

Flying with heart!!!!


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