Take a moment to be a kid again and experience the fascination of flight while spending time with your kids over the holidays! The new ASB.tv kid’s program called “MIKE DA MUSTANG” features a friendly and lovable P-51 Mustang named Mike and his airport friends.
This new aviation show produced by ASB.tv is part of a series of episodes about MIKE DA MUSTANG’S experiences in flying, playing, and hanging out at the airport with his friends. Be one of the first to see the premier episode of MIKE DA MUSTANG by clicking on the video below! You will soon see why we love this new series so much. Please share this link with your friends so that kids around the world can experience the life of Mike!
Absolutely love MIKE DA MUSTANG, or have some questions? Let us know what you think.
For adult viewers, ASB.tv also has a reality tv program called “The Horsemen Cometh”, which you can also see at this link.
Recent comments
Rick Grissom 15 years ago
Excellent….hope it’s very successful as I am sure it will be….forwarded it on to my grandkids
Peter H Schmidt 15 years ago
I was sure this would be lame, and was shocked that it wasn’t! I really enjoyed it, and am passing it around to all my pilot friends so they can share it with the young people in their lives.
Now, let’s have an episode about young planes that haven’t quite figured out yet they are truly meant to fly…
Kerry 15 years ago
Just watched Mike Da Mustang ~ 2 thumbs up and several tears down.
Mike Coutcher 15 years ago
MIKE DA MUSTANG is very cool. I’m 63, love Mustangs, and watched the entire video. Beautiful video and nice story line. I sent it along to some friends who have 3 young boys who love flying. I sure that they will watch it and their mom will send along her comments. When is the next episode scheduled to fly?
Blue skies,
Mike Coutcher
Bart Bartelsman 15 years ago
Absolutely AWESOME ! With hats off to Cars….