Great Results from Practice Day #1

Completed first two practice runs this morning with times of 1:24:40 placing first and 1:24:32 placing third. Day is off to a great start! Check…

Gearing up for Barcelona

Team 99’s been in Barcelona since Monday preparing for the last Red Bull Air Race of the 2009 season. We’ve already completed calibration flights and…

Watch Barcelona Red Bull Air Race LIVE On-Line

Barcelona Live News Feed

Watch the 2009 Season Finale Red Bull Air Race in Barcelona LIVE on the Red Bull Air Race website in real-time. This ’streaming’ high-definition video is worth watching as you can see the exact timing, in-cockpit camera angles, pilot interviews and listen to colorful commentary. Don’t miss the last race of the 2009 season!!

Time: 9:20am EDT (3:20-5:35pm CET)
Date: Sunday, October 4th

Click here for full details or just go to on race day and click on the “LIVE STREAM” link on the top right.