Video: A Passionate Life in the Sky

“Since starting my aviation career in 1985, I’ve been lucky to have met so many great people who helped me along the way. People who…

The Goulian Aerosports 2017 Cirrus SR-22T G6

Mike and the Goulian Aerosports team traveled to the new Cirrus Vision Center in Knoxville, TN this week to accept delivery of a 2017 Cirrus SR-22T G6 that the team will use to travel to air shows and air races around the United States during the upcoming season.

On the Fly Video with Mike Goulian: Episode 9

Episode 9—The Athleticism of Aerobatics Listen to Mike talk about the ‘little things that make a difference’ to managing life on the road – nutrition,…

For The Love Of The Game

2010, like most years, was filled with high flying adventure. Being “on the circuit” for another season of high performance flying, we experienced the full…

2010 Video Recap

Check out our latest video which has great on board clips from many of our 2010 show locations. Can you figure out where we were…

“Raw” In Cockpit Torque Roll

Take a quick look at an unedited, inside view of a Torque Roll. There’s no music, “it’s raw”! The only sound is the natural note…

Goulian in Sony Vegas Promo Video

Watch Michael’s ASB.TV Extra 330 fly through Sony Creative Software’s latest promotional video for their Sony’s Vegas™ Pro software package (creates awesome 3D HD video)….


A new video for 2010 showcasing our stunning airshow plane in ASB.TV colors. Our friends at Oxford Aviation did an amazing job on our paint…

EAA’s Video Profile of Michael Goulian

EAA tv’s John Nicholson took time to interview Michael Goulian, his wife, Karin, and brother, Matthew to give depth to the Mike Goulian Aerosports team and its humble beginnings. Check out this new video.

AirVenture 2008: In-Cockpit High-Definition Video

Experience a clip of Michael’s AirVenture (Oshkosh, WI) 2008 performance in beautiful high-definition video. In-cockpit camera footage by OnBoard Images/Mark Magin. (1 min.) Video courtesy of AirVenture.